The Precious Blood of Christ - The life force of the Priesthood.
The Most Precious Blood of Jesus - The life force of the Priesthood
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Homily
The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the heart of all priests
Lent: The Journey of Christ the Priest
All journeys must take a road, a direction. So it is for Christ.
The Epiphany: What gift do I bring?
The Epiphany: The wise men enter the house and pay homage to the Christ-Child offering gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. What gift do I offer him?
The Blessed Virgin Mary and John the Baptist. Icons of Advent. Icons of Vocation
Advent Icons of Vocation
Sacred Vestments - Putting on Christ
The vestments point beyond the humble man to Christ the Eternal Priest.
Praying the Psalms
I am connected to brother priests and others throughout the world who are praying the breviary.
James Bond & The Will to Love
The character of James Bond, as played by Daniel Craig, offers an insight into discerning and fulfilling our mission in the Christian life.