Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Homily
“Each vocation is a call from the Heart to the heart.”
by Rev. Tony Gonoude
Diocese of Meath Vocations Homily
Sacred Heart Church, Laytown, Co. Meath 16-VI-2023
Fr Denis, dear friends, I thank you for your warm welcome for our essential mission of opening the hearts of young men to become priests of Jesus Christ. This Church of the Sacred Heart, celebrates its feast day today. At any time of the year, in this sacred building, you cannot help but be struck by the light that shines though from the sanctuary window behind me out to the entrance. This light radiates down to us. Looking into the church, is like seeing an open heart of true light that comes from God. This radiance seems to reflect the brightness of the Heart of Jesus. His Heart is true light, an opening into heaven’s love and the Temple of God’s presence among us.
Moses tells us in the First Reading that God is the one who is always faithful; who saves His people; who gives the commandments of life and above all is the one who has set His heart on us. (cf. Deut 7:6-11).
This Heart became flesh in Jesus; it beats with love for us. God’s Heart, in Christ the Priest, teaches, guides, gives us His Body, His Blood, walks the way of the Cross and saves us through the Resurrection of His once pierced Heart that now beats with eternal life. The Lord’s living Heart, opens in our world the way for the light of God to shine out and into us. In Jesus, God’s Heart is set on us.
The heart of a priest is held in the Sacred Heart’s embrace. Each vocation is a call from the Heart to the heart. Jesus asks in the gospel, “Come to me” (Mt 11; 28). Each vocation will find true rest for their soul’s desire in giving their heart for Christ. If you feel called to the Sacred Priesthood, know that the light of the Lord is always open to you. His Heart will draw you to finding joy in your call and to open the world to the radiance of His glory. Ask yourself, do you have the heart for Jesus Christ? If you find yourself thinking of Him, loving Him, wanting to be with Him, desiring to bring Him to others and to be His Heart for the faithful, then your answer is yes. If you fear the call of your heart, let the Lord guide you and place your trust in Him. The more you look upon Him in prayer, in faith, in His Church and in the ministry of His priests, the more peace you will find. Jesus is the one who calls but He is also the example of our service. Let His Heart guide you to love the Priesthood. His words invite you from His Sacred Heart Come to me.
To return to our church here, let us remember that it is open to the light that comes into this world. Every Christian is receptive to this light to answer their call. In a particular way, Jesus wants the light of his Heart to shine out in the hearts of priests that He asks to follow Him. Let His light shine in you in your openness to it. Give the world the joy of new priests who bring God to the parishes of our diocese, who console, teach and inspire. Have the heart for Christ and say yes to his call. Let us pray for vocations after the Heart of Christ. . Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in you. Amen.
Very Rev. Tony Gonoude
Priest of the Diocese of Meath, Parish Priest of Ballynacarrigy, Vocations Director.