Meath Diocesan Seminarians Retreat 2023

You may say that to witness to Jesus is a high call”

by Rev. Tony Gonoude

Vocations Retreat Homily

Lismullin Retreat Centre


Dear friends, our focus as priests, students and aspirants, in these hours is to be near the Lord and witness to our call. Jesus wishes us to come to Him (cf. Matthew 19:13-15), to be ministers who stand for Him.

 Joshua calls on the people to come to the Lord (cf. Joshua 21:14-29). In his teaching, the leader of the Israelites, not only invites the people into the presence of God but he challenges them too; they must not waver, be holy and abandon the other gods they had followed. If they turn from faith, then they are witness to their own sin Here we see the challenge of the teacher-prophet who calls those who follow him to accountability before the Lord; the God who gives them life.

 We are to be a Joshua today. Unlike the disciples who wish to turn away the children from Christ, we must hear the Lord’s words, “Let the children come to me.” To be as the leader of Israel, we must be friends of Christ, knowing Him as our true destination of life. It is only then that we can follow the way of the disciples who after hearing Jesus teaching, being with Him in prayer, seeing Him at the Last Supper, knowing His cross and witnessing to His risen life that they too opened a path for people to come to Him. Knowing the Lord sees us challenge with His words and teaching with His authority, to call those we serve to think of God and turn to Him.

You may say that to witness to Jesus is a high call. Yes it is. The Sacred Priesthood and its beauty is constantly ignored, attacked, side-lined and even in parishes, some do not know of the priest or care about what he represents. What we must do is to be as brave as Joshua, as open as the disciples and to have the loving heart of Jesus who makes a path in history for people to come to God. Notice when Joshua teaches, the Israelites listen, when Jesus speaks, the disciples respond and the children come to Him. So it is for the sacred Ministry, despite many challenges, the Lord works and teaches, He is present and many will come to Him through the Sacraments and encounters He works through us. Let us be His witness, leading His people and teaching them in His ways. May the High Priest inspire us with His words “Let the children come to me.” Amen.

Very Rev. Tony Gonoude

Priest of the Diocese of Meath, Parish Priest of Ballynacarrigy, Vocations Director.


The Precious Blood of Christ - The life force of the Priesthood.


Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Homily