Homily given at Mass for Vocations
St Oliver’s Church, Navan, Co Meath
Votive Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest.
Crucifix in St Oliver’s Church, Navan, Co. Meath
Fr Robert, dear friends, as we offer this evening’s Votive Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest, in prayer for vocations to the Sacred Priesthood, we can raise our eyes to the magnificent crucifix above the altar. This image of Jesus tells us of His Priesthood. By being crowned with thorns and wounded, He saves us from our sins and never-ending death (cf. Matthew 1:21). This Lord of the Cross is the Master-Teacher whose whole ministry is a class in Truth (cf. John 18:28-19:42). However, as the true Saviour and Doctor of life, Jesus is rejected, so that He becomes the Priest of the Calvary Sanctuary that opens the world to God’s true life.
The Prophet Baruch tells us, “Integrity belongs to the Lord our God” (Baruch 1:15-22). This is true of Christ who teaches in the gospel. Here he calls on people who have not been changed by the miracle of His presence, to look at Him and to see His saving power (cf. Luke 10:13-16). Jesus is not afraid to call indifference out; to tell it as it is. Like Moses (cf. Exodus 32:31-32), Elijah (cf. 1 Kings 17:1), Isiah (cf. Isiah 31:6-7), Jeremiah (cf. Jeremiah 4) and John the Baptist (cf. John 1:29-34), the Lord is calling for a return to God. Christ the Priest saves but his salvation must see us hear His teaching and sit at the feet of his Word (cf. Matthew 5:1-12). Otherwise, we reject Him, the Father, and the way of God. The Son who is Priest and teacher, always calls us to the classroom of Truth, to the altar of holiness; learning from Him, letting Him bless us in holiness is our way to true life.
Dear friends, the imposing Crucifix here shows us the greatest Priest who opens heaven to us and teaches us with His bleeding heart (cf. John 19:31). This One crowned with thorns, wishes young men to become priests and teachers in His name in the parishes of our Diocese. It is true to say no man considering a call to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, can distance himself from Christ the High Priest and Teacher. Jesus is not a mere social enhancer among others. He is not a fixer or a simple companion. Not merely like everyone else. He is not for entertainment or for show. This Lord, every vocation is called to follow, challenges, teaches, makes holy, stands for Truth, is humble, shines with majesty (cf. Matthew 17: 1-2) and through prayer, follows the path to His saving cross and resurrection. This is what He asks of His priests too. These are the qualities of the sacred calling; this is the way to become a true priest and teacher. To be as Jesus is to say yes to Him, to challenge, love, lead, inspire, be of God, of Truth, is to be His priest. This is our call. In our prayer for vocations to the Sacred Priesthood, let us implore the Lord for men such as this who give their heart to His, who place His cross as the centre of their lives and who are as the prophet describes God, men of integrity.
As we pray to Christ, the Eternal High Priest for workers in His name, let us also implore St Oliver Plunkett, priest, bishop, servant of the truth and the patron of this great church, to inspire many to follow Jesus as the teachers and priests who will lead us towards God in the years ahead. Amen.
by Rev. Tony Gonoude
Vocations Retreat Homily
Lismullin Retreat Centre
Very Rev. Tony Gonoude
Priest of the Diocese of Meath, Parish Priest of Ballynacarrigy, Vocations Director.