Homily on Priesthood & the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Church of the Nativity, Ashbourne
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —
St. John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests
Dear friends, how wonderful it is for us to be with Jesus on this great Solemnity of His Sacred Heart. This church, in so many ways, is the heart of Ashbourne. In this sacred place, we have the beating Heart of the living Christ in the Blessed Eucharist. Perhaps then, on this great feast day, gathered here, we can reflect that Ashbourne Church is called after the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother. It is she who gives Christ a Heart of flesh for us in the night of Bethlehem; the Nativity of the Little Lord who became the God-Child, with a human Heart. Like this wonderful Church, Jesus is the center of our world, and His Heart blesses us with the Sacred Presence of God.
God has a Heart of flesh! How extraordinary a fact that is. This infant of the Holy Family has a beating human center of love for us. His Heart drew the shepherds, the wise ones and even the animals to gather around the star of hope he brought. His Heart was cradled by Mary, looked over by Joseph and hated by Herod. This Sacred Heart, taught the doctors as a twelve year old, changed the water to wine; to show His love, healed the sickness of many, removed the prison of death by His touch, called the Apostles to be hearts for Him, gave us the bread, wine, to be Body, Blood, Himself. This Heart, stopped beating on the cross, was opened with the spear and still, despite the stillness of death, poured out the gifts of God to us. From this still Heart came the Blessed waters of Baptism and the Blood that means Jesus is forever with us. This Heart lay in the tomb and went through the light of the resurrection, to still beat for us and to be with us always. Yes, God has a Heart of flesh, a Sacred Heart that goes out to us, makes us holy and never leaves us. This Heart, from the moment of Bethlehem, is the center of our hope, our joy and our consolation. This Heart still beats and draws us, this Heart of Jesus, opened by the spear, inspires us to have a heart like the Lord too.
God has a Heart of flesh, and He so desires hearts to be as His, in the Sacred Priesthood. Hearts that feel love for those they wish to serve, that will help Jesus teach, preach, heal. Hearts, like His, that are unselfish, kind, reach out, are willing to be opened, to give out in their lives the gifts of God for the faithful. Hearts, like the Lord’s which inspire, that lead and that show that death is not the end. Hearts, that witness to the light of faith and bring the beauty of the Church to every parish they serve. Priesthood is the true ministry of the Heart of Jesus Christ. To say yes to a vocation, is to let Christ expand your heart and to open in it the path for God to flow out to others. In saying yes to Jesus, you give flesh to His Heart, as He will speak through you, teach through you, administer the Sacraments through you and be the center of the faith through you. Let yourself be drawn to the Sacred Heart and let Him guide you to be another Christ’s heart.
Dear friends, Christ has a Heart of flesh that so loves us. As we look at the Blessed Jesus, here in Ashbourne Church this evening, we are reminded of the Heart He has that beats for you as Servant and High Priest. We pray that the Lord will speak to many hearts of young men in our Diocese and ask them to follow Him, in His saving ministry for the world. We so need hearts for Jesus in the Priesthood, so let us invoke our trust in the Lord who calls. O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus we place all our trust in you. Amen.
Very Rev. Tony Gonoude
Priest of the Diocese of Meath, Parish Priest of Ballynacarrigy, Vocations Director.