Homily for First Sunday of Advent
St Mary’s Church, Drogheda
First Sunday of Advent, Year A
“A vocation ignored, is as dim as fading Christmas lights and as dark as the shepherd’s night, before the coming of the star of Jesus Christ. ”
Dear friends, how wonderful it is to be back in Drogheda, in this great Church and beside Holy Family Parish, where I was privileged to serve as priest. I thank Father John, Derek and Emmanuel, for their kind welcome, for our essential work of awakening the call to the Sacred Priesthood, in those who desire to bring Christ to others.
Long before I became a priest of Jesus Christ, I was a young apprentice painter. A friend of mine began training with me. He was the kind of guy that could sleep anywhere! One day, he curled up nicely in a new shower, of a house we were decorating! Our boss walked in, tur ned on the shower on him and shouted, “Nowyou’ll wake up”!! I took from that the lesson of a trainee. Never sleep on the job!
Be awake, be watchful. Advent asks us to look past the glow of Christmas lights, to peer beyond that which distracts us and to be awake to the presence of God. Mary carries the Infant who will guide the shepherds out of the night fields into His light. She brings this Child to us too, but we must want to see Him, we must be watchful in faith; seeing Jesus in our school or college work, on the field of play or in employment, at home or among friends. This watchfulness will awaken us to God, to His Advent, or presence with us. This way is our true journey to Christmas.
Advent calls us. Mary always was watchful for God and He has now come into her person. Her faith gives us Christ who asks us to be awake, watchful. Those considering a call to the Sacred Priesthood cannot slumber in indifference or close the eyes of their soul, to that which will truly make them happy and save the world in Christ. A vocation ignored, is as dim as fading Christmas lights and as dark as the shepherd’s night, before the coming of the star of Jesus Christ. Be a minister of the presence of Jesus, be as Mary and carry Him, as the shepherds and go towards His light. So many are looking for God; you as priest could awaken them to His presence.
You could become one who is a watchman for the Lord in the parish that you would serve in; bringing the Lord to the sick, the dying, those marring or those who come to
the altar, to have Christ with them in His Sacred Presence. Prepare for the Son of Mary and be His priest.
Dear friends, Priesthood is essential, it is beautiful, it is a ministry that awakens the world to Jesus Christ. Let us pray for vocations and also that this holy time of Advent will see us renew our inner-watchfulness for God. Amen.
Very Rev. Tony Gonoude
Priest of the Diocese of Meath, Parish Priest of Ballynacarrigy, Vocations Director.